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Κωδικός: 10721-0324115

Brand: Άγκυρα

Why was Athena the favorite goddess of the ancient Greeks and the goddess of wisdom? How did the city of Athens get its name? What was the Panathenaea? When and how was the first Acropolis built? Who was the leader of ancient Athens and how did he realize his dream of turning Athens into a cultural center? How did the Parthenon get its name? What was the relationship between the goddess Athena and the Acropolis? Why was the 5th century BC called the Golden Age? Who was Lord Elgin? How and why did classical Greek culture affect the whole world? Where is the new Acropolis Museum located, and which monuments are exhibited there? These are just some of the questions answered in this fascinating book of myths and knowledge. At the end of the book, there is additional historical information. There are also some fun activities, which will help young people gain a fundamental understanding of this most significant period of the Greek history.